HI fellow blogsters!
I'm still alive and kicking but still terribly time poor. Big Boy Too is having a few separation issues with starting school, work is busy and there is never enough time to do it all and with the house!... well girls you know what suffers when life is like that don't you....
So in an effort to get myself out there a little more I have chickened out a little and decided to start my handmade online 'business' with a little blog shop. Etsy will happen but it takes a while to do all the listing. I also want to try 'Made it', but later, later....
So pop by, spread the word if you would please, and tell me what you think.
You can find a link in my side bar as well as here.
My bestest and very best wishes to you all and thank you one and all for giving me the opportunity to destress while reading all your posts :)
Irene x