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2010 was so good to us.

I can't wait to see what 2011 has to offer!

{click on the photo to enlarge}

Here's to a great 2011! Many of you have asked how you can help Edie and her family during this difficult time.
Here is the address for her sister if you'd like to send anything her way:
Gina Williams
506 Helton Road
Maryville, TN 37804
Continue to send your prayers and thoughts their way during this difficult time.

May 2010 bring continued blessings to you and yours! 
I will be back at the easel this Monday...I'm taking a few days 'off' for some much needed 'me' time. God bless & thank you for your continued support, kindness, and interest in my work!

Have a Happy New Year and remember to only open your door to good things in 2010 :)

Best wishes one and all, Irene x

"Before you were conceived I wanted you.
Before you were born I loved
you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you.
This is the miracle
of love."
- Maureen Hawkins

8 years ago today, hands down, was the best New Years celebration we have ever had.
I got to ring in the New Year holding my new 9 pound bundle of joy!

Every day has been a new adventure.
Happy 8th birthday crazy Cody,
we love you to the moon and back,
and back again.

Just some beautiful images for you to look at today.

all images courtesy of Amy Meier Design.

I have 2 European sized house inc. pool rose khaki pillow shams
that are in like new condition. The print is in the last photo.
They have a generous sized ruffle around the edges and they retail for about $75.00 each.
I'm selling both for$65.00.
If you are interested, pls. email me at
{first come, first serve}


Saying that I am in love with this tranquil color combo is an understatement.
There is just something so soothing about these subdued colors.
In this photo. Tracery Interiors has done it again, everything is just perfect. And my idol, Heather Chadduck.
Her new bedroom rocks my socks off.
I love her ruffled lamp shade and the use of an old over sized basket for a night stand!

This photo is from the blog home for the better.
I don't know the color on the walls but it's gorgeous,
especially with all that worn wood.

Martha Stewart shows us this fabulous room.
That bed skirt is to die for.
I love the matching canopy too.

Again from home for the better, this room has the perfect hue on the walls, and check out the paint on the ceiling!

As we are snowed in today, I am stuck at home dreaming of ways
I can use this color combo in my home.

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