Vintage live

  Can you tell us briefly how you painted on your drop cloth? Did you have to seal it? Is it machine washable?

I bought the drop cloth from my local home improvement store, I bought the least expensive cloth one they had (ten bucks). My original plan was to measure and tape the whole thing out. After staring at the drop  and trying to come up with a formula for measuring it, I soon realized it was going to be way to time consuming and went to plan B, make a stencil! I measured and taped out the first full V then used that to make my pattern. Using wax paper so I could see through I traced both sides and then taped them together and cut it out. The wax paper was to thin to hold into place and trace a straight line so I transferred the outline to a large piece of cardboard I had. I then laid the cardboard in place and traced it out with a pencil, go lightly so the lines wash away. I then started taping, lots of tape was used so make sure you have a  full roll. I spray painted mine, it took two cans to get an even looking coat. I waited a few hours and then threw it in the wash and dryer, yes it is washable fabric ( I wanted mine to look old, skip this if you want it to  look new. After I used a can of scotch guard and sprayed the whole thing down to help with dirt and foot traffic. I would recommend using carpet tape to help keep it in place. I made this early spring time of this year and so far it has help up great, dogs kids and all.
  Where did you come up with the idea for your dog food container and what is that piece called?

I was out junk shopping and saw that piece laying in a scrap pile. I love anything metal/tin and as soon as I picked it up and turned the handle I knew it would make a cool dispenser. I then remembered I had a blank space above my dogs food bowl so there it went. Its original use was inside a Hoosier cabinet as a flour dispenser.

  Do the hands on your clock work?
No, however I did see a clock kit at the craft store I was tempted to buy.
 How would you describe your style?
Mmmm, thats a tough one because I often change things up. I am drawn to Vintage French style homes so if I had to describe my style I would say thats my end goal but with fun character pieces,  conversation pieces that normally would have been trash.
 Do you have any favorite stores, online shops, or flea markets you'd like to share?

My favorite local shops are Ruffles and Rust, Annies, Faded Elegance and M and M antiques. My favorite Flea Market is Farm Chicks. I do try to go to local flea markets but I never miss Farm Chicks!

Where do you get your inspiration from?
All over! It could be I saw something in a magazines or found a cool must have piece and from there it starts a whole new room. But my daily inspiration comes from all the lovely ladies and gentleman out there sharing their personal projects and ideas through blogging, Mrs. mysweetsavannah had me hooked from day one.
Heathers advice for all your diy'ers:

We have done a ton of projects that didnt go well and had to be repeated but we stuck with it,  made adjustments and just had fun, trial and error. If you see something you like chances are you can make it you just need to get in there and try!
Where do you learn how to do all your projects?
My husband is the best by no means does he have any training in 99% of the stuff I ask him to make, I say hey, I bought these galvanized pipes can you make me a table and some how he puts it togheter. I paint and create the project and he finishes it all off, I know he regrets the day he said "hey I could have made that!"

Thank you Heather for sharing your amazing home with us!
I hope you are all inspired now to paint your own drop cloth rug, make a clock, or just tackle that project that you didn't think was possible!


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