Vintage live

I have noticed a trend around our house.

I have a lot of rusty, chippy, old wood and metal things.

I am drawn to things with this patina.

I found this medosweet dairy crate at a yard sale.

It is the perfect shade of grey and butter yellow.

Right now I have it on my kitchen counter holding various bottled beverages.

Before that I had it on my night stand with magazines rolled up in each slot. This old ledge is in our guest bath.

I added the brushed nickel knobs to match the other hardware in the bathroom, but I think these look fabulous with old hardware.

I LOVE this stool!
I think I have mentioned that before.
My son uses it when he helps me in the kitchen.
It has a great blue grey patina and is full of rust.

Here it is again, a little closer up with a pear tart we made together.
Am I making you hungry?

This old wood tote is a piece I will keep forever.
I paid $30 for it at a flea market, a total steal if you ask me.
Not only does it have the creamy white paint chipping off, but it also has that great old rusty metal with the old nails~and it's really large......


It has been on our dining table, in our living room on the coffee table,
and now it sits on our kitchen island holding fruit.

And last but not least.
The $22 bench I just about died over at a garage sale.
If you are new to my blog, I will tell you this.
It wasn't even for sale at the garage sale.
It was propped up next to a barn knee deep in ivy and weeds.
I thought I'd offer the nice lady $20, as I really couldn't tell what it was.
I thought I would just get some scrap wood to make signs or frames.
She agreed on $22.
Done deal.
There wasn't room in my car, so I came home dropped off the kids and went back.
{please don't call C.P.S. on me, they lived through it just fine}
When I got back there it was waiting for me in the driveway.
Not covered in dirt and weeds anymore, but covered in chippy pale blue paint, and awesome curves.
I could have kissed the lady.
I may have hugged her~she was super nice.

Originally I was going to make a cushion for it, but I just couldn't stand the thought of covering up any of that gorgeous wood!
So now it sits behind our sofa in the living room.
It matches our new lamps perfectly.
cost breakdown:
dairy crate~$5
towel rack~$30 including the new knobs {home depot}
metal stool~$18
wood tote~$30
huge long beautiful bench~$22
having all these things in our home~priceless
{sorry, I had to say it}



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