I have had the busiest week but I must tell you about last Saturday. I actually managed to have a day sans children and spent the day happily sewing at Rags n Roses in Tecoma! A Bliss! To sew all day and no little cherubs to amuse! They had the day with Daddy! Slightly stressed daddy at 4.00pm pickup!
Anyway, I learnt how to make Raggy Quilts!
What fun. Fast to do and lots of fun. I had chosen a lovely pink collection from my stash and together with the fine folk at my workshop (all 3 of us) we sewed and chatted and ate and enjoyed the beautiful ambience of the most exquisite shop in melbourne.
Anita the purveyor of all things beautiful, Rosey and fabricy kept us supplied with precut batting and food as well as wise advice along with out expert quilt teacher.
I worked like a banshee and still didnt quite get it finished, however a little more work sat night and sunday saw an end result.
I am rather pleased with myself!
I have been through my stash of cottons and have two more hopefuls but I am also building up a white one from vintage linens too. Very feminine!
I must also thank Gail McCormack of stunning oil paintings of Roses fame for her beautiful blog for me this week. I bought a Vintage bedspread from her with the most beautiful print and fabric. I made her one of my Wall Arts to thank her as I read she had been inspired by the roses so here was a little of that for her to remember. The blog was so lovely. I was very moved and quite delighted to be on her blog! So THANKYOU to a lovely lady for her kindness.
Here are some of my Wall arts that Anita at Rags 'n' Roses will have soon for Sale. Check them out as well as two of my Re~vintaged Chairs.