Today's giveaway is brought to you by the sweet Robyn of whimages.
If you are the lucky winner you will recieve one plug in warmer of your choice
{my favorite is pictured below}
and the scent of your choice.
The scents are so yummy, such as,
sugar cookie, toasted caramel sugar, Christmas tree, autumn sunset, baked apple pie, and sticky cinnamon bun, to name a few.
Robyn is also offering a great discount to all my readers. If you place a $150.00 order, she will give you a FULL SIZE UNIT and a scent bar in addition to $15 in free products and 1 half price item!
{These make great teacher gifts}
That's a heck of a deal!
{pls. mention my sweet savannah}
We are going to have fun with this one!
Can't wait to read all your answers!
{4 chances to win}
1} Visit Robyn at scentsy and tell me your favorite scent.
2} What was your favorite childhood smell?
3} Have you started Christmas shopping?
4} What did you have for breakfast today?
Remember to leave a seperate comment for each answer!
I will be picking a winner randomly on Wednesday, that only gives you 3 days!
I will be back with highlights from the ruffles and rust flea, but for today, I am still recovering :)