Vintage live

First of all please forgive my c**p photos. I have a little point and shoot and our house is terribly dark!! (ONE! north facing window!!!!!!)
This is the story of my sideboard... (grab a cuppa and some Tim Tams girls..)

One morning while driving to my sons Pre-school (yes this is at least 18 months ago) I spy a Hard Rubbish pile with this rather impressive sideboard (or set of drawers or dressing table less the mirror????) with 6 drawers.  It was a 'yes' moment to be sure!
As you can see it's not insubstantial so the only way I could see to get it home was to pile all six drawers into the car, trying not to smother my baby in his car seat and to pray I could fit the body of the sideboard into the boot. I have a large Sedan so boot space is good but not unlimited. And! I had no tie-downs of course. The only redeeming thing was that I was two minutes from home! AND! you know if I left it till later it would have been gone....
 into the car and into the boot ( just fit but hung out with the boot wide open, precariously) it went. All the while morning traffic is streaming along the road. I can only imagine what they were thinking! Slowly but surely I drove back up the dirt roads, being oh, so careful of the potholes and bumps, into our driveway, unloaded it out into the front yard and took off back to the pre-school. Yes, we were late!
It has stood on my back veranda ever since gathering dust and spiders until the last few days when I finally rolled up the sleeves and went to it! Yay! holidays...

In position in the hallway. No handles as yet

Three coats of undercoat and two of a colour called 'Aqua Image'. Not sure who it's by as I purchased it a while ago as a generic sample pot while trying out some kitchen colours. The whole thing was originally cream but had been repainted a mustard and then the green.
These are the original handles with the 'original' colour. A sort of grey/green. I want to keep the handles and re-use them but am undecided about the colour. They need to be cleaned and recoloured. Any suggestions!!?

Pretty details ...and yes this drawer needs fixing too. The only one too! Runners broken on one side.

Looking at my ordinary photos does tell me I need to put a protective layer over the top to make the sanding/distressing spots a little less obvious Wax??
So for the moment I have put my clock collection on it.
You cannot believe how perfect the fit is for this wall. It's like it was made for it!
(Don't you love the reflection of the vacuum hose in the blue mirror clock! lol)

Rather pleased with this as it provides some desperately needed storage possibilities as well being as the start of my re-doing this house of ours.

One thing off my BIG list of 2011 'to do's.
How is your list going?

Love to you all :)
Irene x


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