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If you are anything like me, you added a few pounds to your body this holiday season. I think it's only natural. After all, it is pretty hard to resist mashed potatoes and fudge, not to mention those great Starbucks holiday drinks!
I came across this article from Womans Health and thought these ideas were worth sharing.
This is an activity that my trainer would have me doing. I would suggest warming up for 10 minutes with cardio before you do these. That will get your heart rate up and you will burn more calories!
Do 12 to 16 reps of each move, resting for 15 seconds between each exercise. When you've finished all four, rest for a minute or two, then repeat the circuit two more times.
1. Runner's lunge to knee skip
Start in a push up position, then bend your left knee and place your left foot between your hands (a). Push through your left foot, raise your torso, and drive your right knee and left arm into the air, hopping off the ground (b). Return to start, then switch legs and repeat on the other side. That's one rep.
2. Plie jumping jacks
Stand with your hands at your sides (a) and jump into the air, bringing your arms overhead and your feet wide, knees and toes turned out, then lower into a squat (b). Quickly jump back to the starting position. That's one rep.

3. Quarter-turn squat
Lower into a squat (a), then jump up, swinging your arms overhead and rotating 90 degrees to the left while in the air (b). Lower into a squat (c), then jump up and rotate to the right. That's one rep.

4. Donkey kick

Start in a push up position, legs extended directly behind you and hands under your shoulders (a). With your legs together, brace your core and glutes, then kick both legs into the air, bending your knees to bring your feet toward your butt (b). Reverse the movement to return to start, trying to land softly on the balls of your feet. That's one rep.

Don't forget to enter the stencil giveaway if you haven't done so already.
I will be picking a winner tomorrow!


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