Vintage live

Did anyone catch the Nate Berkus show yesterday?

If you did, you would have seen Lizzie Carney's 1930's bungalow

all decked out in it's flea market and 2ND hand glamour!

Tell me this kitchen is not the most amazing kitchen ever?

Look at that teal fridge!

Yes, I have a crush. cute dress

{cute Nate too! I love me some Nate!}

She turned an unused bedroom in her 1000 square foot home into a closet.
Are you dying right now?

She says that almost every item in her home is used~love that!

You can read more about her here, on Country Living.

She is a doll.

A huge fan of charcoal, she has used Benjamin Moore's

Amherst Gray on almost all her walls.

So, what do you think?

I think you have to have some serious talent to be able to take such a mish mash of things and make them look like a million bucks!

Have a fabulous Saturday!


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