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Today I found out my work was one of the items that was unfortunately cut out of Flea Market Style Magazine by the publisher to make room for some last minute ads. They did mention my work (on page 12), but wires were crossed & my website was inadvertently printed incorrectly 

(my website is 'Studio Lara' NOT 'Lara Harris')...such is life. 

On the bright side, to soften the blow a bit, I am being featured on the Flea Market Style Blog next Wednesday (the 24th) & although I can't say too much, my work WILL be appearing in print at some stage this year so stay tuned! :)

**Now, without further adieu, the winner of the FREE issue of Flea Market Style Magazine & a FREE Giclee Print by yours truly is: bumblebecky !
THANK YOU to everyone who entered & for your WONDERFUL COMMENTS!
**ALSO! For those still searching for their copy of Flea Market Style Magazine, try contacting Margo at Margo's Junkin Journal! She is selling issues from her blog! :)


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