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 Well, I did it again.
Made a few changes to the old dining room.
First thing I did was paint over the stenciled wall.
It was never perfect and it got on my nerves, so away it went.
 I picked up these gorgeous sunflowers today and have them in my Pottery Barn drink holder.
I used old green wine bottles as vases.
{my friend Kasey would be proud}
I have a ton of these and I like to use them for water when we have company for dinner too.
 On a whim one day I decided I was tired of our black table, so I sanded it down
{took about 4 hours}
and waxed it.
I love how it turned out.
There is still little bits of black paint here and there, but after 4 hours, I called it quits.
I tried to go for a Restoration Hardware look on the shelving.
I ripped some covers off of old books and tied them up with jute twine.
I had some heavy cast iron urns I used as book ends and framed a couple pages out of books.
The rest of the accessories I purchased at Ruffles and Rust Square.
But, hands down, my favorite new addition to our dining room is this pair of chairs!
I found them at a flea market and had them covered in French grain sacks from the 30's.
I bought the grain sacks from a very nice lady in Europe over etsy.
You can find her here.
She was super friendly and the bags got here very quickly.
I highly recommend this seller.
Angie at A & D upholstery did my chairs.
She had them done in 4 days!
I was very impressed with everything.
I had purchased 6 bags, but unfortunately that wasn't enough.
Angie was kind enough to go fabric shopping for me, texting me photos along the way, until we found the perfect solid to compliment the grain sacks.
Part of the arms, the skirt and all the welting is done in this faded black denim.
This used to sit in the middle of my dining table, now it rests on the wall.
My myrtle topiaries are doing great thanks to skylights and a little bit of sunshine!
Do you like the changes?
It's very simple, yet cozy, and I think the look should last about 12 minutes year round.
Don't forget to enter the giveaway below if you haven't already!


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