If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know by now that I love frames, and I love to make them out of reclaimed wood.
Sometimes it is hard to find this great old chippy painted wood.
So, when I do find it, I scoop it up and stash it in my workroom.
Yesterday I got it all out and made several frames.
I am keeping a few, but have taken the rest into Ruffles and Rust Square in Snohomish WA.
I love the detail in this particular frame with all the chippy creamy paint
and the dark wood showing through.
I made them all with standard size openings.
{4x6, 5x7, & 8x10}
It's really rare I find a cool colored piece of wood.
I LOVE this jadeite green color, and mixed with the other colors, it just screams country cottage!
I like to mix and match these on a wall to form a nice collage grouping.
I especially like them filled with black and whites, or sepia toned photos.
Of course, if all you have is colored photos, one quick trip to the copy center will
change that for about 10 cents!
Head on over to Ruffles and Rust soon for the best selection!
Also, just a reminder that there is only a couple more days to take advantage of my 3 month for $50 advertising offer! Email me at:
if you are interested!
Going on now through the end of July!