I wanted to share with you a project that I did yesterday.
This is the after.
{sorry for all the reflections in the glass}
But it didn't always look like this.
Here is the before.
Pretty loud huh?
Gold frame, black velvet fabric backing, horrible shells.
I suppose at one point in time this was in, but not anymore!
I ripped off the fabric and painted the backboard a dark charcoal grey and added a real sea fan.
Then I painted the gold frame a creamy flat off white and put it back together.
Here is the after once again for comparison.
Much better don't you think?
And now, for the winner of the Lisa Leonard giveaway...........
Sarah from Moske Monkey Business, congratulations! You are the lucky winner of the $50 gift card to Lisa Leonard designs!
Pls. email me and I will get you in touch with Lisa!
Stay tuned for another great giveaway coming up this week!
I am also offering a sweet deal on advertising through my sweet savannah~1/2 off actually!
If you are interested in 3 months of advertising for only $50.00, pls. email me at lakeliving4@msn.com