Been sick as the proverbial dog over here. Even too sick to blog hop! Couldn't concentrate on the writing. Feeling better today and spending another day home from work.
But I am reminded that it is Sept 1 and Spring is out there, despite the glorious bucket loads of rain. Is the Drought really broken!!!????
Wanted to do a quick hello to spring post but found this pretty Image via the Google images and saw it was from a cute blog tutorial so just had to share it! Elizabeth Goodman from To Be Charmed is the link. What a pretty picture, and they're not real!!
But yes, there are a lot of these popping up around our area as there are quite a few Daffodil farms. I love driving around and seeing the swathes of yellow!
To my Northern friends - welcome to Autumn/Fall
to my Southern neighbours - Yippie, hello Spring!!
Now I'm going back to bed.
Irene xxx