In a couple of weeks we are having all the stain stripped off our house,
garage, sheds, etc. and re-stained.
The trim will also be given a fresh coat of paint.
I thought it would be easy to pick a new color, {if we decide to change it}
but it's not! We know we want to stick with the white trim, but would you change the siding color if this were your house?
As you can see by these first 2 photos of our home, it is currently a deep cedar color, which I do love.....
However, going slightly grey seems intriguing to me.
This is just a tad lighter than what we have now.
Same with this one.
I do like the contrast of the darker stain with the bright white trim.
What do you think?
Au natural and let it age gracefully? :)
I'd love to hear what you think, so please chime in!
Also, I am having a heck of a time adding new photos to my sidebar!
It keeps rejecting my photos saying Picasa web albums storage is up.
BUT, I have deleted photos and it still is saying that, AND I'm not getting that error message when I do regular posts, it's only happening when I try and add a picture gadget to my sidebar. Anyone know what's going on? Is this a blogger problem or just me?
FRUSTRATING to say the least!
AND, the Patina Style giveaway ends tomorrow! Scroll down to enter if you haven't already!
Thanks for taking the time to give me your feedback!
Have a happy weekend!