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As we get back into the routine of things around here,
I am remembering how crazy our schedules get this time of year.
Kids are back in school which means homework,
conferences, room mom planning, and sports 6 days a week.
That doesn't leave much time to get real creative with dinners.
However, I found this great blog
and it got me thinking.
I dusted off the old crock pot the other night and made this for dinner.
It was a huge hit and we enjoyed leftovers for lunch today.
I think I may just have to make crock pot meals every night the month of September! This is another site I found with some
yummy looking recipes I'd like to try.
But tomorrow we are having
And after that I'm dying to try the apple cheddar and turkey meatballs.
There is even some great dessert recipes you can make in a slow cooker,
as well as drinks, who would have thought?
Do you have any good crock pot recipes?

Happy labor day friends!


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