Vintage live

My day started early.
I got up at 5 am to hit the stores and get all my Christmas shopping done.
Here is how it went down.
Walk into Kohl's at 5:30.
5:30~6:00 am, fill my cart {or bag rather because they were out of carts}
6:00 am, wonder why all these people are stopped in the middle of the store.
6:02 am, figure out that it is because they are in line, a really long line.
Like so long, I never did find the end of it.
6:02 and a half~ditch the cart and walk over to Target.
Once at Target I was finding it hard to maneuver my cart because of the people standing in line, which circled the store twice and went up and down isles.
Before actually shopping I did find someone who worked there
and asked them how long it would take to go through the checkout line.
2 1/2 hours minimum.
6:10~ditch the Target cart and go back to my car, drive home.
6:30~crawl back into bed and sleep in till 10.
Lesson learned, never doing that again.
It's been a super lazy day of sitting on the couch and eating fudge, fudge, and more fudge.
We did make it out this afternoon to replace our broken treadmill, kinda funny since all we did all day is eat fudge.
I think we all need days like this every now and then, my thighs don't, but I do.
I found this picture and thought it would be a cool craft project,
that's all, it's just kinda festive.
{from here}
I think tomorrow I will venture back out into the real world and do a little shopping, but for now, it's back to the couch and back to the fudge.
Hope your having a lazy couch/fudge day yourself.


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