Today is very hot and dry with strong, dry winds. At the moment it could be in the low 40's but I havn't heard the latest. It was 37 at 10.00 this morning. There is supposed to be a change late today or tonight so hopefully it can help the people working on those fires in extreme conditions. Thankfully we are not experiencing numerous days in a row of temps like this again as we did recently. There are parts of Australia that are though. VERY hot and dry. And up north there is major flooding with people trapped in their homes by floodwaters!
So let us all send good thoughts of safety and relief for all who may need it through the extreme conditions we are experiencing.
(We still have normal power, an air conditioner and fans so life is ok for my family.)
Irene x
Update 5.20 pm: Temp reached 46 + degrees Celcius, a new record for any Melbourne day since records began.