"Woman in Blue Rhinestones," 6"x6",
oil on stretched canvas,(available on etsy)
I have to share something kinda funny, while painting this piece I could not stop getting the song, "Isn't She Lovely," by Stevie Wonder out of my head! It must be the rhinestone dress or perhaps her elegant pose...and I think she resembles Ashley Judd just a little. (*as a sidenote, if you've never seen the movie 'Simon Birch' in which Ashley appears, it really is a must see...a bit of a tear jerker for sure, but it's one of those movies that really touches your heart...the young actor who played Simon was just incredible, a true inspiration for us all I reckon :)
(**And THANK YOU to everyone who has entered the Flea Market Style Magazine Giveaway below & for all of the wonderful comments! I can't wait to see the Premier Issue myself! Still waiting for my copies to arrive from the editor! :)