One of my all-time favorite artists is Karin Jurick. I discovered her work a number of years ago on ebay and was instantly smitten as many who view her work are. And as an artist, she is someone I not only admire for her talent and ability, but I truly appreciate how willing she is to share what she has learned on her painting journey with so many others. She started a wonderful blog called Different Strokes from Different Strokes over two years ago, in which she challenges fellow artists to explore different subjects, share techniques & ideas, and learn from one another. Now on her personal blog, she is taking questions from artists which she answers during the of course I jumped at the opportunity to ask how I can 'loosen up' as an artist. I tend to be a details person, but I want to evolve into an artist such as Jurick, with a more painterly feel to my work vs. strict realism. Anyway, here was her response to my question:
"With respect to staying loose - it's the biggest struggle with me. Enter the boyfriend again - he constantly catches me painting too tight and reminds me to stop.
There's some hints to stay loose - squint, squint, and squint. Use wider brushes. If you paint from a photo, make the image smaller. You tend to not nit pick."(Karin Jurick)
So I tried doing as Karin said on this small painting, and I have to say it really seemed to not only work, but was a truly freeing experience. I know it will continue to be a struggle for me, but perhaps with practice it will start to come a bit more natural. Thank you Karin!