Vintage live

Went for a quick mooch around a few of my fave Opp Shops this morning and this is what I came home withA Beautiful old crocheted edge cloth.

A pale pink Tuscan trio

Buckles, buttons and ribbon.

A fine, white, large, crocheted square tablecloth as well as a very fine cream crocheted set of three doilies with a bird in the design.

The sweetest crisp white cotton apron with lovely cotton lace.

3/4 of a curly chenille bedspread, all clean and white.

A Hat Box!!!

A little worse for the wear but I'm delighted. I now have two! As well as some nice vintage kitchen glass items and another vintage suitcase for my linen storage.

A very 'white' morning :)

The hat box has scrubbed up very well but will need some repair to the stitching.

What treasures have you found lately?

My Barkcloth Wall Art/First blogging Anniversary giveaway finishes July 30 so please feel more than welcome to leave a comment and be in the draw.

Thanks for dropping by... Irene x


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