Vintage live

~Look what I got~

I am so excited

and can't wait to hang it up!

I've wanted one of these forever,

so when a good friend of mine was selling hers

I scooped it up!
I can't wait to go to the craft store and buy

all kinds of ribbons and wrapping papers that coordinate with the seasons . I am still on this getting organized kick and this is a great way to get started.

I'll be sure to show you pictures of it when it's on the wall and all "prettied up"

Also, thanks so much for all your kind comments and emails on the pillows I made.

I am not sure if I am going to sell any before the flea market, or wait until after it to put some up on etsy. I want to make sure I have enough inventory for the show.

And, don't forget to enter the annie grace giveaway.



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